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作者: 来源:原创 日期:2021/5/6 11:32:27 人气:127

据最新的统计,中国女性就业人员占全社会比重达45%,女性员工在各自的岗位上发挥着重要作用,完全撑起了国名经济发展的半边天啊!同时女性在养育孩子和承担家庭责任上被要求的更多。而企业应该认识到女性员工的重要性。According to the latest statistics, female employees in China account for 45% of the entire society. Female employees play an important role in their respective positions and fully support half of the country's economic development! At the same time, women are more required to raise children and assume family responsibilities. And companies should recognize the importance of female employees.

每位女性都会经历生产,思麦森一直持续关注女性员工的健康,【产后修复运动分享】就是思麦森为关爱女性而设计的企业健身专属福利。我们想让妈妈们放慢脚步,爱护自己,自己健康才能给家庭更长久的爱!Every woman will go through childbirth. SMARTSUNhas always been concerned about the health of female employees. [Postpartum Restoration Exercise Sharing] is an exclusive benefit designed by Smarson for caring for women. We want mothers to slow down and take good care of themselves. Only by being healthy can we give the family longer love!


Why do I need postpartum repair?


During childbirth, a woman’s body is like an open door, which can excrete the excess water and toxins accumulated for a long time before childbirth (this is also the main reason for postpartum weight gain), and then make your body through correct recovery and maintenance. healthier. And lack of postpartum care, its weight, especially the abdomen, will not be easy to recover.




Postpartum Restoration Seminar


Explains a series of physiological changes during pregnancy, and provides simple and easy exercise programs, so that female friends after childbirth can complete self-training at home, which is safe and effective.


Postpartum rehabilitation exercise


Through Pilates training principles, teach everyone how to perform postpartum recovery exercises at home with safe and effective training movements to help improve pelvic floor muscle function, improve and repair common postpartum problems such as the separation of rectus abdominis.


The overall movement of Pilates is relatively soothing and not intense, which is suitable for the recovery of the body after childbirth.


Highlights of the event:


-By enhancing the core strength of the abdomen, muscle tension and body balance are enhanced.


-Help the pelvic floor muscles restore elasticity and strength, improve and repair the rectus abdominis separation.


-Improve the flexibility and flexibility of the entire muscle tissue to help mothers correctly "control" their body posture and avoid local strain.


-Help reduce postpartum fat accumulation on the back of the arms, waist, abdomen, and buttocks.


-Breathing and concentration training to improve mental acuity and build a positive attitude.


Activities suitable for the crowd:


This activity is suitable for women who have had pregnancy and childbirth experience and have postpartum repair needs. Before class, the teacher will conduct a survey and assessment of the physical condition of the registered students, and conduct targeted teaching based on everyone's actual needs and physical conditions.


Instructor: Rose


Rose used to be a head nurse in the obstetrics and gynecology department and has more than ten years of experience in midwifery in the delivery room. After leaving this very fulfilling position, Rose fell in love with Pilates at first sight and stepped onto another stage of delivering energy to become a Pilates instructor. Since 2015, she has been teaching daily Pilates during pregnancy at a well-known Pilates fitness center, and is responsible for postpartum pelvic floor muscle recovery and postpartum rectus abdominis separation and recovery.


With a cheerful personality and a deep professional, she will pass on unimaginable energy and enthusiasm in the body to the students and give you strength beyond yourself.


SMARTSUNhas always been concerned about the health of women in the workplace, and hopes that through this series of activities, we can relieve stress, relax our minds, activate our bodies, and regain control!


Part of the scene

Shanghai SMARTSUN Fitness Services Co.,Ltd.