1、 器械训练对保持和增加去脂体重的意义
The significance ofmachine training to maintain and increase lean body weight.
The human body ismade up of fat, muscle, bone, blood, internal organs, water and so on. We referto the weight we lose as fat-free weight, which includes muscle, bone, blood,internal organs, water, etc. For general fat person, the purpose of reducingweight is the weight that should reduce adipose, and keep go fat weight as faras possible; For hidden obesity -- that is, normal weight, excess body fat rate-- it is necessary to reduce fat weight and increase fat weight loss. In thegym, we see a lot of dieters rely solely on diet control and aerobic trainingto lose weight, especially women are afraid of machine training, afraid tobuild a fast "horrible" muscle. It's easy to lose fat and lose fat -including muscle loss and bone loss. We know the muscle of same weight and fatof same weight below human body quiet state, the quantity of heat that muscleUSES up wants far exceed the quantity of heat that fat USES up, so the quantityof heat that reduce weight undeservedly causes muscle, the basic metabolizationrate of human body decreases subsequently, the probability of weight rebound ishigher also. Therefore, we can effectively increase the ratio of muscle,prevent bone loss, improve basic metabolism, and maintain weight loss throughreasonable equipment training.
2、 器械训练对改善形体的意义
The significance ofapparatus training to improve body shape
Any weight-losstraining program must include both machine training and aerobic training. Fromthe perspective of body shaping, the role of aerobic training is to reducefat as a whole, while the local characterization and shape improvementmust be completed through equipment training. For example, if you had a pearshape before you lost weight, you would have gone from a bigger pear to asmaller one without machine training. Therefore, the perfect figure must beachieved through a combination of equipment and oxygen.
3、 器械训练的次数、重量、间歇时间的选择
Selection offrequency, weight and interval time of apparatus training.
In the past, it wasgenerally believed that "light weight, high frequency and shortinterval" should be followed in machine training to reduce fat, improvemuscle line and elasticity. It is also common to see many female bodybuildersusing small plastic dumbbells for all kinds of muscle strength training in thegym. So does this training have any effect? As I mentioned earlier, animportant purpose of machine training is to maintain and gain lean body weightduring weight loss, and fat loss must be achieved through aerobic exercise. Oneof the most important principles of fitness and bodybuilding is "overloadand overcompensate". If you have controlled your total calorie intakeduring weight loss, how can you maintain and increase muscle without strongstimulation? Personally, I think the reasonable times for dieters should be:chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, legs 12-15RM, calves 15-20RM, abdomen20-30RM. The weight should be increased as much as possible under the premiseof ensuring the quality of actions within the set target frequency range. Forexample, the target frequency you set is 12-15RM. When you can easily completemore than 15 times, it means that the weight is lighter, so you should add someweight appropriately. If you still can't do 12 repetitions with all your might,you have gained weight and should lose some weight. The interval between groupsshould be kept under 1 minute as far as possible.
4、 器械训练分化模式的选择
Selection ofdifferentiation mode of apparatus training
分化训练是威德健美训练的核心,是由乔威德在1942年提出的。分化训练指的是把全身各部分的肌肉块分成几次或者几个部位进行训练,只有这样才能使全身各部位的肌肉群有足够的训练时间、充分的恢复和匀称的发展。如果我们把全身的肌肉块分成两天来练我们则称为两分化,分成三天来练则称为三分化。分化训练模式的选择一般根据个人的训练水平和营养恢复状况来选择。对于普通健身者的减肥训练来说,相对于增肌训练的训练次数要略微的多,训练重量也要轻,所以肌肉的刺激程度不及增肌训练,因此从肌肉的恢复时间来说要比增肌训练来得快,所以我个人认为分化训练模式不宜太细。另外,如果分化训练模式太细,那么每次训练的肌肉块相对就要少,而每个肌肉块的组数则必然增加,对于初学者来说往往是无法适应这样的强度的。因此,对于减肥者来说比较适合的是采用四天双分化的训练模式,即把全身的肌肉块分成两次来训练,一周训练四次,每个肌肉块每周训练两次。一般来说有三种划分方式:1、以“推”和“拉”的动作划分; 2、以“上半身”和“下半身”的训练动作划分; 3、以“躯干”和“四肢”的训练动作划分。
Differentiationtraining is the core of Weed bodybuilding training, which was proposed by JoeWeed in 1942. Differentiation training refers to dividing the muscles of allparts of the body into several times or several parts for training. Only inthis way can the muscles of all parts of the body have enough trainingtime, full recovery and symmetrical development. If we divide the muscle massof the body into two days we call it bifurcations, and if we divide it intothree days we call it trifurcations. The choice of differentiated training modeis generally based on the individual's training level and nutritional recoverystatus. For the weight loss training of the ordinary bodybuilder, the trainingtimes are slightly more than that of the muscle enhancement training, and thetraining weight is also light, so the stimulation degree of the muscle is notas good as that of the muscle enhancement training. Therefore, the recoverytime of the muscle is faster than that of the muscle enhancement training, so Ipersonally think the differentiation training mode should not be too thin. Inaddition, if the differentiation training mode is too thin, then the number ofmuscle blocks per training will be relatively small, and the number of groupsof each muscle block will inevitably increase, which is often difficult forbeginners to adapt to such intensity. Therefore, it is more suitable fordieters to adopt a four-day bidirectional training mode, that is, the wholebody muscle block training in two times, four times a week, each muscle blocktraining twice a week. Generally speaking, there are three ways to divide it: 1.Divide it into "push" and "pull" actions; 2. The trainingmovements of "upper body" and "lower body" are divided; 3.The training movement is divided into "trunk" and "limbs".
5、 器械训练和有氧运动的先后顺序
The order of machinetraining and aerobic exercise
In the gym, we canoften see a lot of people do machines after running or jumping first. Is thistraining sequence reasonable? Then we need to explain in terms of the energysupply of machine training and aerobic exercise. Device training is mainlybased on the catabolism of muscle glycogen and glucose to release energy tosynthesize ATP and produce lactic acid as a by-product. That is to say, themachine training almost does not consume fat. The machine training is based onthe sequence of muscle glycogen, blood sugar and liver glycogen. Aerobicexercise is under aerobic conditions, sugar, fat, protein oxidationdecomposition into carbon dioxide and water in the process, release energysynthesis ATP. The initial stage of aerobic exercise is generally powered byglycogen, and it takes about 20 minutes before you start to burn off fat. Suchas part of the glycogen, this time to carry out aerobic training can advanceinto the type of fat consumption, more conducive to reducing fat. The correctsequence is to warm up by walking briskly on the treadmill for 5-10minutes, then do machine work, and then do cardio.
6、 有氧运动的时间控制
Time control of aerobicexercise
I have mentionedbefore that the first 20 minutes of aerobic exercise is mainly provided by theoriginal sugar energy, generally after 20 minutes to start the use of fatconsumption. But once aerobic exercise is over 60 minutes, the rate of muscleburn goes up and fat burn goes down. If the goal is to reduce fat, I personallythink 40 to 45 minutes of aerobic exercise after machine training is moreappropriate.
7、 有氧运动的心率控制
Heart rate controlfor aerobic exercise
有氧运动的安全心率范围应当在人体最高心率的80%以内,最高心率通常根据年龄来进行测算——最高心率=220-年龄。一般来说长时间、低强度的有氧运动更加有利于减脂肪。有氧运动心率为最高心率的50%时,分钟燃烧7千卡热量,90%来自脂肪供能; 最高心率的75%时,分钟燃烧14千卡热量,60%来自脂肪供能; 一旦超过最高心率的75%时,消耗肌肉的比例会急速上升。因此以减肥为目的有氧训练,最高心率的75%应该是一个上限。一般我们可以把目标心率设定在(220-年龄)×60%-70%。一般现在健身房有氧器械都可以通过金属的传感装置来测试运动过程中的心率,如果无法通过仪器测试心率的情况下,我们可以采用“谈话试验”。通过“谈话试验”我们可以评估减肥者的训练强度是否太大,如果训练者在练习时可以比较舒适的讲话或者呼吸, 说明强度合适; 如果呼吸急促则说明强度太大,可能已经超越有氧运动所需的强度,进入无氧训练范围。
The safe heart raterange for aerobic exercise should be within 80 percent of the body's maximumheart rate, which is usually measured by age -- maximum heart rate =220- age. Ingeneral, prolonged, low-intensity aerobic exercise is better for fat loss. Whenaerobic exercise heart rate is 50% of the highest heart rate, minutes burn 7kilocalorie quantity of heat, 90% come from adipose supply energy; When 75% ofhighest heart rate, minute burns 14 kilocalorie quantity of heat, 60% come fromadipose supply energy; Once you exceed 75 percent of your maximum heart rate,the rate of muscle use rises sharply. So for weight loss aerobic training, 75%of the maximum heart rate should be an upper limit. Generally, we can set thetarget heart rate (220-age)×60%-70%. Generally, the aerobic equipment in thegym can measure the heart rate during exercise through the metal sensor device.If the heart rate cannot be measured by the instrument, we can use the"talk test". Through the "talk test", we can assess whetherthe training intensity of the dieters is too high, if the trainers can talk orbreathe comfortably during the training, indicating the intensity isappropriate; Shortness of breath indicates too much intensity and may haveexceeded the intensity required for aerobic exercise and entered the anaerobictraining range.
8、 有氧训练器械的合理选择
Reasonable choice ofaerobic training equipment
The person thatreduce weight to train is weight slants commonly big, because this is not suitableto use the aerobic training way that has concussion sex to the joint such asrunning, jump rope not quite. The joint tissues of human body are composed ofcollagen. Long-term impact overload will cause degenerative wear of the jointcollagen tissues, which will easily lead to degenerative arthritis in the longrun. In severe cases, joint replacement surgery is more likely to berequired. In running form, the knee joints were three times heavier than whenstanding naturally. With brisk walking, the load on the knees was only 1.2times that of standing naturally. Two of the key factors in achieving weightloss through aerobic exercise are timing and heart rate control. If we chooseto exercise on a treadmill, we can set the speed to 5-6km/h and then add alittle slope to adjust the target heart rate to within 60-70% of the maximumheart rate. In addition, dieters can choose elliptical machines and stationarybicycles, which have low impact on the joints.
9、 遵循循序渐进的训练原则
Follow the principleof progressivetraining
Mostof the reasons for obesity are due to overeating and lack of exercise. Thephysical condition of the general obese person is not very ideal, so we mustfollow the principle of step by step when arranging the training plan forweight loss. Generally, we can arrange a bifurcated training plan for four days.Generally, there are about 4 parts for each training, and 2-3 movements can bearranged for each training part. Do 1 set of each movement in the first twoweeks, 2 sets of each movement in the third and fourth weeks, and 3 sets ofeach movement from the fifth week. The first two weeks of training do notrequire each group to achieve the limit number of times, the third week must beexhausted. Interval: 2 minutes for each group in the first two weeks, 1.5minutes for each group in the third and fourth weeks, and less than 1 minutefor each group in the fifth week. Aerobic training time: 20 minutes for thefirst two weeks, 30 minutes for the third and fourth weeks, and 40 minutes forthe fifth week. Heart rate control for aerobic training: Gradually increasefrom 60% of maximum heart rate to 70% of maximum heart rate.